The MUDA method

The MUDA method

MUDA in the lean concept means waste. In the production sector, we distinguish 7 types of waste:

  • Transport (Relocation) – unnecessary movement of material and products
  • Warehousing - limiting excess inventory
  • Movement - inefficient movement of workers
  • Waiting – Downtime and waiting are a waste
  • Overproduction - production beyond customer requirements
  • Redundant processing - quality and processing that is no longer required by the customer is a waste
  • Defects - production of defective products

MUDA in administrative activities:

  • Human potential - the unused potential of workers and their creativity
  • Inappropriate or non-functioning information systems
  • Unclear strategy - unnecessary implementation of activities that are not in accordance with the company's strategy
  • Not taking advantage of a market opportunity is a waste
  • Unnecessary administration and an inefficient system is a waste
  • Customer burden


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